Terms and Conditions 條款及細則
Shopping Delights 購物禮遇
Shopping privileges are not applicable to discounted or specified items or counters. Purchases of city’super Gift Cards or Shopping Vouchers, stored value top-up, delivery charges and gift wrapping charges are not eligible transactions. Some of the activities, merchandise and tasting dishes are available in selected stores only. Please refer to in-store price tags and promotional materials.
For super e-gold members, shopping privileges are applicable to physical stores during business hours from 7 to 11 December 2021 and the eShop (from 10:00 on 7 December to 23:59 on 11 December 2021) in Hong Kong; and available for super e members at physical stores during business hours from 8 to 11 December 2021 and the eShop (from 10:00 on 8 December to 23:59 on 11 December 2021).
super e-gold 會員禮遇適用於香港各門市分店於2021年12月7日至11日的營業時間及網上商店(2021年12月7日上午10時至12月11日晚上11時59分)。所有super e會員可在2021年12月8日至11日於香港各門市分店的營業時間及網上商店(2021年12月8日上午10時至12月11日晚上11時59分) 享受會員禮遇。
The 25th Anniversary Winterfest shopping privileges cannot be used in conjunction with discounted items, specified items/counters, or other promotional offers or coupons. Expired offers will not be accepted and no retrospective arrangements will be made.
所有25th Anniversary Winterfest會員購物禮遇不可與已折扣貨品,指定貨品或專櫃,及其他推廣優惠/優惠券同時使用。禮遇逾期無效及恕不接受追溯申請。
super e Loyalty Bonus Points 獎賞積分
super e-gold members can enjoy triple loyalty points on their net spending at city’super, LOG-ON, cookedDeli and E-Shop from 7 to 11 December 2021. Nintendo and PlayStation ® products are excluded.
由2021年12月7日至11日,super e-gold會員於city'super、LOG-ON、cookedDeli及網上商店的累積消費淨值可享3倍獎賞積分。任天堂 及 PlayStation ®產品除外。
super e members can enjoy double loyalty points on their net spending at city’super, LOG-ON, cookedDeli and E-Shop from 8 to 11 Dec 2021. Nintendo Switch and PlayStation ® products are excluded.
由2021年12月8日至11日,super e會員於city'super、LOG-ON、cookedDeli及網上商店的累積消費淨值可享雙倍獎賞積分。任天堂 及PlayStation ®產品除外。
super e members must present a valid membership card at physical stores or log in to their membership account at the E-shop before payment in order to accumulate loyalty points and update their spending records.
super e會員必須於分店付款前出示有效的會員卡或網上商店結算前登入會籍,方可累積消費紀錄及賺取積分。
Your loyalty points and spending records will be updated within 36 hours of the purchase. Any claim of loyalty points after the transaction will not be entertained.
If you cancel a transaction or arrange a refund, the loyalty points earned for that transaction will be deducted automatically, including extra loyalty points earned from designated promotional offers.
Purchases of city’super Gift Cards or Shopping Vouchers, stored value top-up, delivery charges, plastic shopping bag charges and gift wrapping charges are not eligible for loyalty points or accumulated spending.
購買city'super禮品卡或購物禮券、super e會員卡增值、繳付送貨費、膠袋收費或包裝服務費均不獲享積分或計算作累積消費。
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Event activity without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此活動任何使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
super e-gold Exclusive Gourmet Workshops 尊享佳餚體驗工作坊
super e-gold members can enrol online for the gourmet workshops held at superlife culture club at city’super Times Square store. Limited seats; registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Please refer to the registration page for details.
super e-gold會員可於登記專頁免費報名參加於city’super時代廣場店生活藝會舉辦之佳餚體驗工作坊,名額有限,先到先得。詳情請參閱登記專頁。
Each super e-gold member can register for one workshop only. No additional places can be reserved for members’ friends or relatives due to the limited seats.
每位super e-gold會員可免費報名參加一個工作坊。由於名額有限,所有工作坊不提供額外名額給會員親友。
All member registration information will be verified. A confirmation SMS will be sent to members upon successful registrations by 29 November, 2021.
Eligible super e-gold members should arrive at least 10 minutes before the workshop starts for on-site check in. Members are required to present a valid membership card and confirmation SMS before participation.
合資格super e-gold會員敬請於工作坊開始前至少10分鐘到達現場報到。 會員參加工作坊時必須出示有效會員卡及確認短訊。
All participants and hosts will need to perform temperature checks before classes start. Anyone whose body temperature is 37.5°c or higher will not be allowed to enter the classroom.
All participants and hosts will wash their hands thoroughly and use hand sanitiser before classes. All participants and hosts are required to wear masks at all times in the classroom (except for tasting sessions). If a participant refuses to cooperate, the host will ask the participant to leave the classroom immediately.
所有參加者和主持人必須於上課前正確潔手,並使用酒精消毒搓手液清潔雙手。所有參加者和主持人在課堂內必須佩戴口罩 (除了鑑賞環節)。 如果參加者拒絕配合,主持人會勸喻該名參加者立即離開課室。
Tables, chairs and equipment will be sanitised before each class.
Workshops will be postponed or cancelled if the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is announced. Whenever feasible, all workshops held at superlife culture club will resume as normal 4 hours after the signal is cancelled, depending on the time of the announcement.
This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or other products, or transferred to others. Photos are for reference only.
City Super Limited is not responsible for any matters arising from the delay due to technical problems, including but not limited to any computer or internet network problems.
City Super Limited 對因技術問題造成的延誤不承擔任何責任,包括但不限於任何電腦或互聯網網絡問題。
City Super Limited reserves the rights to make alternations to the class/event schedule, content, and instructor or guest speaker when necessary. Ingredients or materials used in the workshops may change due to special circumstances without advance notice.
City Super Limited 保留一切更改主題工作坊的時間、內容及導師之權利。工作坊所使用的材料或會因特別情況而更改,恕不作另行通知。
super e-gold Thank-you Gift Redemption 感謝禮品換領
super e-gold members can get a free bottle of Organic Italian Raw Wildflower Honey (250g), while stocks last. This offer can be redeemed once only upon presenting a valid super e-gold membership card at city’super or LOG-ON stores during the event days (from 7-11 December, 2021). Products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Photos are for reference only.
super e-gold會員憑有效的會員卡可於活動期間(即2021年12月7日至11日)到city'super或LOG-ON店換領有機意大利野花蜂蜜 (250g)乙支,數量有限,換罄即止。此會員禮遇只可兌換一次,禮品恕不退換或兌換現金。圖片只供參考。
super e-gold Champagne Tasting Privilege 香檳品嚐禮遇
super e-gold members can collect two coupons from the reception at city’super stores. Each coupon can redeem a glass of Louis Roederer Collection 242 NV at VIP Champagne Tasting Zone for on-site tasting. Containers bought along by members themselves will not be accepted.
super e-gold 會員可於city’super門市接待處獲取兩張換領券。每張換領券可於店內VIP香檳品嚐專區享用Louis Roederer Collection 242 NV香檳一杯。只供現場品嚐,恕不接受自備器皿盛載。
The coupon is valid during 7 - 11 December 2021 from 12p.m. onwards.
The coupon cannot be redeemed for cash, and can be used once only.
Damaged or photocopied coupons will not be accepted.
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Event activity without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此活動任何使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
super e-gold “Expand Your Palate” Challenge Booth 味覺挑戰攤位
super e-gold members can participate in the challenge booth on 7 December, 2021 at city’super stores (except ifc mall store) by presenting a ticket collected at reception.
super e-gold 會員可於 2021年12月7日於 city’super 門市(國際金融中心店除外)出示從接待處獲取的遊戲券以參加挑戰攤位。
super e-gold members can taste and guess products with different features at designated times: dried vs non-fried chips (12-1p.m.); maple syrup at different stages of harvesting (1:30-2:30p.m.); comté cheese of different ages (3-4p.m.); commercial vs craft beer (4:30-5:30p.m.); salmon sashimi from different origins (6-7p.m.). Product categories and activity timeslots may change due to on-site situations without prior notice.
super e-gold會員可於指定時段品嚐及猜測具不同特色的產品︰油炸及非油炸薯條(下午十二時至一時);不同收成期的楓糖漿(下午一時三十分至二時三十分);不同月份的康堤芝士(下午三至四時);商業及手工啤酒(下午四時三十分至五時三十分);不同產地的三文魚刺身(下午六時至七時)。產品類別及活動時段可能因現場情況而有更改,恕不另行通知。
This ticket will be stamped by our staff upon correct guess of type/flavour of the products. Members can redeem a Kyoto Uji Matcha Softcream or 2 Oobanyakis from sweets house Cha Cha counters (except ifc mall store) by presenting an intact stamped ticket during 25th Anniversary Winterfest ( 7 – 11 December, 2021), while stocks last.
於正確猜測所品嚐的產品種類 / 味道後,職員會於遊戲券上蓋上一個印章。會員可憑完整及已蓋章的遊戲券於活動期間(即2021年12月7日至11日)到sweets house Cha Cha專櫃 (ifc分店除外) 換取京都宇治抹茶Soft Cream乙支或大判燒兩個。數量有限,換罄即止。
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Event activity without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此活動任何使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
Jean-Paul Hévin redemption offer 換購優惠
super e-gold members can redeem a Jean-Paul Hévin Houndstooth Truffe Chocolate Gift Bag (5pcs) at a special price of HK$98 upon presenting a valid super e-gold membership card and a same-day receipt with a net spending of HK$200 or above at ifc Jean-Paul Hévin counter (quota: 300 boxes) or Harbour City Jean-Paul Hévin counter (quotas: 100 boxes), while stocks last. This offer is non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Photos are for reference only.
憑super e-gold會員卡及即日發出的單次收據消費滿港幣 200 元或以上,即可於國際金融中心Jean-Paul Hévin專櫃 (限額︰300份) 或海港城Jean-Paul Hévin專櫃 (限額︰100份) Jean-Paul Hévin專櫃,以港幣98元換領Jean-Paul Hévin松露朱古力禮袋 (5粒裝) 乙份。數量有限,換完即止。此禮遇恕不退換或兌換現金。圖片只供參考。
Limited-time offer at delicatessen counters 限時美食專櫃優惠
super e members can enjoy HK$25 off upon net spending of HK$120 or above at FusionDeli (sushi and sashimi are excluded) and RF1 SOZAI counters; and HK$25 off upon net spending of HK$100 or above at Little Mermaid Bakery and presentation of a valid membership card during the event days from 2 to 5p.m. Combined receipts are not acceptable.
憑出示有效會員卡可於活動期間下午2時至5時,於FusionDeli (壽司及刺身除外) 和 RF1 SOZAI專櫃消費淨值滿港幣120元或以上,即可獲港幣25元折扣優惠。於Little Mermaid專櫃消費淨值滿港幣100元或以上,即可獲港幣25元折扣優惠。恕不接受合併單據。
super e members can redeem a Kyoto Uji Matcha Soft Cream from sweets house Cha Cha at a special price of HK$25 upon presenting a valid membership card during the event days from 2p.m. to 5p.m. Combined receipts are not acceptable. The Soft Cream flavour depends on stock supply. sweets house Cha Cha reserves the right to offer an alternative as a replacement without notice.
憑super e會員卡可於活動期間下午2時至5時,於sweets house Cha Cha以HK$25換購京都宇治抹茶Soft Cream乙支。恕不接受合併單據。所有產品視乎當時實際供應而定,sweets house Cha Cha 有權以其他產品代替而不作另行通知。
super e-gold members may enjoy these offers during 7 - 11 December, 2021. All super e members may enjoy these offer during 8 – 11 December, 2021.
super e-gold 會員可於於2021年12月7日至11日期間享有上述美食專櫃優惠。所有super e會員均可於2021年12月8至11日期間享有上述美食專櫃優惠。
This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged for other products. Photos are for reference only.
This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or coupons.
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Event activity without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此活動任何使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
E-Shop consumption exclusive eCoupon offer 網上商店消費限定電子禮券禮遇
Members can earn a HK$50 promotion code upon single net purchases of HK$800 or above made at city’super or LOG-ON E-shop, either E-Shops website or Apps , during the 25th Anniversary Winterfest (exclude delivery fee). Combined receipts will not be accepted.
會員在25th Anniversary Winterfest期間,憑於city'super或LOG-ON 網上商店的單一訂單淨值滿$800(不含運費),即可獲得港幣50元優惠碼。網上商店網站或流動應用程式的消費均計算在內。恕不接受合併收據。
super e members must log in to their membership account at the E-shop before payment in order to enjoy this offer. No retrospective arrangements will be made.
super e會員必須於網上商店結算前登入會籍,方可享用此禮遇。恕不接受追溯申請。
The HK$50 promotion code will be sent on or before 17 December, 2021 to registered email addresses of eligible members who accept to receive promotion material.
The HK$50 promotion code is applicable to single net spending of HK$100 at city’super or LOG-ON E-Shop websites, but is not applicable to E-Shop Apps. Combined receipts will not be accepted. The total value of a promotion code will be deducted in full when used. Any unused balance will be forfeited. Please refer to E-Shop websites for more details of use.
The promotion code is valid for 60 days after issuance. Each member is entitled to one only. Only one promotion code can be used each transaction. Overdue or expired promotion code will not be accepted.
The promotion code cannot be used in conjunction with super e-gold card year-round discount, other promotional offers or coupons.
優惠碼不可與 super e-gold 卡全年折扣優惠、其他推廣優惠或現金券同時使用。
Purchases of city'super Gift Cards, Shopping Vouchers, stored value top-up, delivery charges, plastic shopping bag charges and gift wrapping charges are not included in this promotion.
此優惠碼不適用於購買city'super 禮品卡、購物禮券、增值、繳付送貨費、膠袋收費或包裝費。
The promotion code cannot be redeemed for cash or other products/vouchers or transferred.
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Event activity without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此活動任何使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
LOG-ON in-store activities 店內活動
super e-gold members can get an Xmas Wooden Ornament privilege at LOG-ON Harbour City store on 7 December 2021 by presenting a valid membership card and a single LOG-ON receipt for HK$800 or more, while places last. (Quota:30) Each super e-gold member can get one only.
super e-gold 會員於2021年12月7日於LOG-ON海港城店出示有效的會員卡及單張消費淨額滿港幣800元的LOG-ON收據,可獲聖誕木製裝飾卡乙個,名額有限,每位super e-gold會員可享一個,額滿即止。(名額:30個)
All super e members can enjoy the following in-store activities at designated stores, days and times during the 25thAnniversary Winterfest by presenting a valid super e membership, while places last:
所有super e會員於25th Anniversary Winterfest期間出示有效會員卡,可於指定分店、日子及時間參與以下店內活動,名額有限,先到先得。
ditto ditto Letterpress Experience – LOG-ON Festival Walk store during 7 – 9 December 2021 from 4p.m. to 7:30p.m.
ditto ditto活版印刷體驗 – LOG-ON又一城店由2021年12月7日至9日下午4時至7時30分。
Calligraphy on Xmas Ornament – LOG-ON Times Square store on 10 December 2021 from 1p.m. to 4p.m.
手寫書法聖誕裝飾 – LOG-ON時代廣場店2021年12月10日下午1時至4時。
Popcorn Giveaway - LOG-ON Metroplaza / Cityplaza / apm stores on 10 December 2021 from 12p.m. to 9p.m. and LOG-ON Festival Walk /New Town Plaza /Langham Place stores on 11 December 2021 from 12p.m. to 9p.m.
會員尊享爆谷禮遇 - LOG-ON新都會廣場 /太古城中心/ apm店2021年12月10日下午12時至9時 及 LOG-ON又一城 /新城市廣場 /朗豪坊店2021年12月11日下午12時至9時。
City Super Limited reserves the rights to make alternations to the event schedule, content, and operation flow when necessary. Numbers of participants and activity arrangement may change due to on-site conditions without prior notice.
City Super Limited 保留一切更改活動的時間、內容及運作流程之權利。參與名額及活動安排或會因現場情況而更改,恕不作另行通知。
LOG-ON redemption offers 換領禮遇
super e members can redeem designated masks at HK$1 at LOG-ON New Town Plaza store by presenting a valid membership card and a same-day receipt with net spending of HK$300 or above during 8 – 9 December 2021, while stocks last.
super e會員於2021年12月8至9日於LOG-ON新城市廣場店出示有效會員卡,及憑即日單一消費淨值滿港幣 300元之收據,可以港幣1元換購指定面膜產品乙張。數量有限,換完即止。
Each receipt can be used for one redemption only and the corresponding membership number should be recorded on the receipt. Combined receipts are not acceptable.
Duplicate, photocopied or handwritten receipts will NOT be accepted.
LOG-ON beauty counter shopping privileges 美容專櫃購物禮遇
More LOG-ON Member shopping discounts and privileges at designated stores and counters, please click here for more details.
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this offer without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此會員禮遇之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。
25th Anniversary Fiesta member shopping days 會員購物日
super e-gold members can enjoy 25th Anniversary Winterfest privileges from 7 to 11 December 2021; while super e members can enjoy the event from 8 to 11 December 2021. Expired offers will not be accepted and no retrospective arrangements will be made.
super e-gold 會員可於2021年12月7至11日尊享25th Anniversary Winterfest禮遇,super e則可於2021年12月8至11日尊享25th Anniversary Fiesta禮遇。會員禮遇逾期無效及恕不接受追溯申請。
To enjoy the privileges, customers can simply present a valid super e membership card during 25th Anniversary Winterfest. Membership cannot be transferred.
顧客須出示有效的super e 會員卡以享受25th Anniversary Winterfest的會員禮遇。會員卡不可轉讓他人使用。
The 25th Anniversary Winterfest shopping offers cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged to other products. Photos are for reference only.
所有25th Anniversary Winterfest優惠不可兌換現金或其他產品。圖片只供參考。
Cancelled transactions or refunds will result in the automatic deduction of loyalty points, accumulated spending and Reward eCoupons from the purchase, including any extra loyalty points and Reward eCoupons earned from specific promotions (including but not limited to Double/Triple Loyalty Points offers).
New member registrations will be suspended from 7 to 11 Dec 2021. Customers can apply for super e membership after 12 Dec 2021 on official website https://www.citysuper.com.hk/.
2021年12月7至11日期間將會暫停新會員申請,如欲申請成為super e會員,請於2021年12月12日到https://www.citysuper.com.hk/ 申請。
City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Event activity without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.
City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此活動任何使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。